SAMHSA: Adopting a Trauma-Informed Approach in Drug Treatment Courts: Resources for Judges, Court Staff, and Providers

May 26 2021

Trauma-informed courts acknowledge the prevalence of trauma among people involved in the criminal legal system as well as the risk for vicarious trauma among professionals working in these settings. This webinar will cover key concepts on the importance of adopting a trauma-informed approach in drug treatment courts and provide practical information on how to implement trauma-informed practices. Presenters will share information on how to create trauma-informed drug treatment courts, including screening and assessment for trauma, staff training, and developing policies that support a trauma-informed approach. Specific considerations for judges, treatment providers, and court staff will be covered.


After attending this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the importance of a trauma-informed lens for judges, court staff, and treatment providers who work in drug treatment courts
  • Discuss the key components of a trauma-informed court
  • Identify strategies and steps for implementing a trauma-informed approach in your drug treatment court

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