In an effort to coordinate the flow of information from national and state partners regarding programs and how to address the challenges of this rapidly changing COVID-19 situation, a webpage has been created to provide sites and programs with emerging information and resources as they continued to be developed. Please visit this webpage for more information:
CJCC TAD Program and Data Sharing Reports Now Available
Under 2019 Executive Order #41, the Wisconsin State Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC) is charged with a variety of initiatives designed to improve the functioning of the criminal justice system, including making recommendations regarding “updating the administration of the Treatment Alternatives and Diversion program to maximize the program’s effectiveness with a goal of ensuring statewide availability of treatment alternatives and diversion resources, whether funded by TAD or other sources.” (Executive Order #41, 8(g)(ii))
FY19 Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Application Posted
As required under federal statute, the State of Wisconsin's FY19 Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) application has been posted for public comment.
FY18 Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Application Posted
As required under federal statute, the State of Wisconsin's FY18 Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) application has been posted for public comment.
Statewide EBDM Efforts Featured in NIC/NACo Report
As part of the National Institute of Corrections' Evidence-Based Decision Making (EBDM) Initiative, the work of Wisconsin’s State and Local Teams is featured in a new resource, County-State Collaboration in Building High-Functioning Pretrial Systems, which was developed by the National Association of Counties (NACo) in partnership with NIC. This resource summarizes the core elements contributing to the success of Indiana and Wisco
FY17 Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Application Posted
Wisconsin Statewide Treatment Court Standards 101 Trainings Delivered
In Wisconsin Rapids in June, 2017, 140 participants from 29 counties and 11 full treatment court teams completed the Wisconsin Treatment Court Standards 101 Training, which was designed to provide guidance to new treatment courts, as well as new treatment court staff for existing programs.
State of Wisconsin Selected for Phase VI of the Evidence-Based Decision Making Initiative
Following a competitive application process, Wisconsin has been invited to partner with the United States Department of Justice, National Institute of Corrections (NIC) to start Phase VI of the Evidence-Based Decision Making in State and Local Criminal Justice Systems Initiative (EBDM).
FY16 Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Application Posted
CY17 Treatment Alternatives and Diversion (TAD) Grant Awards Announced
In September, as required under the state statute, the Wisconsin Department of Justice announced the recipients of Treatment Alternatives and Diversion (TAD) funding as a result of the calendar year 2017 competitive grant process. The awards for calendar year 2017 represent the beginning of a new five-year funding cycle.